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Archive for joyful noise homeschool chorus

The end!

We’ve reached the end of another year! Our chorus concert is tomorrow evening, and I am excited. My chorus has done a wonderful job this year, and I know they are going to sing beautifully tomorrow. Next year the schedule may be a little different, with us meeting in the morning instead of from 2-3. That way, more people can join without having conflicts with band or orchestra.

Congratulations to you guys. I am very proud of you, and you should be pleased with the work that you have done. Knock ’em dead tomorrow (does anyone even say that anymore? “Knock ’em dead??”) and have a wonderful simmer!

…That’s summer.

I need to go to bed now.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have had a wonderful Spring Break! Try to keep warm in this record cold weather, but don’t let it dampen your celebration of the holiday. See you next week!


Performances abound.

Although I have not posted many updates about preparations for recitals/concerts lately, that is not to say that things have not been going well. The Joyful Noise Chorus continues to impress me with how quickly they are learning fairly complicated music (a Gershwin medley and two show tunes). I know that the Spring Concert on 4 May will be a huge success, and people will be talking about the chorus all summer.

Likewise, my ladies in Show Choir at Master’s Academy are preparing a lovely medley from “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Though there are no young men in the choir, it’s hardly a handicap. These ladies are going to rip it up next month at the end of the year showcase, and I know everyone in the audience will leave entertained and extremely impressed by the caliber of talent that we have.

Then there are my babies at the RIM. All of my students have worked super-hard this year, and I am so excited for them to share with everyone what they have accomplished. Our first ever Spring Recital is next month, date TBA (found out that the date that I requested at the venue is already taken). They have all made me so proud, and they should each feel a great sense of achievement for the work they have done. Kudos to all of you!

I also have a few things in the works for this summer. More on that later.

Happy New Year!

Well, I know I said I would post right after Christmas, but things got pretty hectic around here. I hope everyone had a restful and blessed holiday season. Now it’s time to get back into the daily grind.

I read last week that my former voice teacher (who is in her 80s) had been selected as Teacher of the Year by Classical Singer Magazine. That’s pretty awesome, and she is a great teacher, one of the best in the city. She taught me all that I teach my students now, and it feels great to see and hear the results with each one of them. I really look up to her and hope that I can become as good a teacher as she is.

My son got an Ipod Nano for Christmas. That’s music related, and that’s why I’m telling you. What music-related things did you get for Christmas, if anything? Do share.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again.


I hope everyone has had a wonderful beginning to their holiday season. I ate my share of poultry and trimmings, and Thanksgiving was a restful and joyous one for my family. I trust your families had blessed times this weekend as well.

Allow me to share my heartfelt appreciation and congrats to you all. Your performance at the concert last week was superb! I was so proud, as you all should be. It was so good, we have started generating buzz! There are more propspective members of the chorus wishing to join come January! And why not? You guys are a beautiful group to work with and be a part of, and we will just go from stellar to even more stellar with more folks. What fun! Not to mention we’ll have five months to prepare for the Spring Concert, so it’s going to be great.

We’ll probably stick with a Broadway theme for the Spring Concert, performing both of the medlies. That is subject to change, of course, but for now that’s the tentative plan.

Again, congratulations! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and see you in January!


Well, our Fall Concert is finally upon us, and I am looking forward to hearing the end result of the chorus’ hard work tonight. I just hope I can talk. My boys and I have been feeling under the weather all of this week, due to the flip-flopping weather we have been having as of late. There were those two days of Indian Summer last week, and though I love the warm weather, I do not like it (nor does my body like it) when the weather shifts dramatically and suddenly. It has been hot, cold, then rainy, hot, cold, then rainy, for two weeks now. Yesterday it rained all day, and we got so much rain that there were flash-flood warnings in several areas of the city. Not exactly the kind of weather into which one wants to drag the kids.

Unfortunately, I had no choice, and it made our under-the-weather conditions that much worse. Not that we haven’t been taking measures to stay well; we have. It’s just been a losing battle the past few days.

Of course, this isn’t to say that I can’t make it to the concert. That is certainly not the case. Besides, who would direct? That would be a disaster. I just may not have much of a voice, and that’s a drag, because I need to be able to SPEAK!

I’m popping Strawberry Halls and Riccolas.

I’m ever-the-trooper.

Fall concert.

The fall term is almost over for the homeschool chorus. Our Fall Concert is next Thursday, at 7pm, at Piedmont Baptist Church. We are singing two pieces, The Silver Swan by Orlando Gibbons, and Alleluia Canon by Mozart. The chorus sounds great. There are only nine in the group, and they have done a superb job in just two months! I’d like to extend an invitation to all of my students to come see them perform. The different orchestras will be performing also, as well as the worship band. It should be a lovely concert. Maybe I’ll see some of you there!

Almost ready.

Today’s rehearsal for the Fall Concert was promising. All of the members have made a marked improvement from the last week, and I am encouraged. We are singing two madrigals in two weeks, and I am very confident that the performance will be superb. Our group is small again, but full of talent and capable of making beautiful music. I’m excited to have everyone hear what we’ve accomplished. It’s a good-looking group too. Kudos to you guys!

Concert programme, revisited.

Okay, so the plans have changed dramatically.

I have received instructions to do only two or three pieces at the concert. So here’s what we’re doing:

  • The Silver Swan
  • Alleluia Canon
  • Festive Madrigal (tentatively)

“Now is the Month of Maying” is a more difficult piece, so that will be put on the backburner for now, as will the Gershwin. Come January we can decide what the Spring Concert repertoire should consist of.


We had two members join us on Friday. Welcome! We’re glad to have you.

I’m also glad about all of the “buzz” the chorus has been getting. Every week someone new has come up to me and said that they had been interested in joining the chorus but could not due to a conflict with another class. But the interest is there! That’s cool.

So we got through a good bit on Friday and I’m glad. This coming Friday we will be going over the Thomas Morley piece for sure (Now is the Month of Maying), and I’m not sure what else yet. We may go ahead and jump into the Gershwin. In the meantime, keep practicing, and look over the music we learned already when you get the chance. I’ll give you another update on what to bring in a couple of days.